tfMessage ROS
Where is tfMessage defined? It is used in the transform_broadcaster.cpp file. I have found a file called tfMessage.h, but it defines tfMessage_, not tfMessage.
You probably already knew this, but for posterity's sake: you probably don't ever want to touch tf messages directly; instead, use TransformBroadcasters and TransformSubscribers to interact with tf at a transform level, not a message level.
2011-07-07 08:36:28 -0600
I had been planning on writing a subscriber node that would interpret the tf messages. If it is not a good idea to directly interact with the messages, is there an existing subscriber node?
2011-07-08 01:31:28 -0600
There is. See the tf tutorials ( for how to best use tf.
2011-07-09 08:23:56 -0600
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