image_proc warning /camera/camera/...
Hi all,
I am receiving warnings from image_proc every 30 seconds or so:
Note the doubling of 'camera'.
The prosilica_camera node is publishing /camera/image_raw and /camera/camera/info, and image_proc is subscribed to them with no problem, other than the persistent warnings. I am launching the nodes with:
<node name="launch_prosilica_camera" pkg="prosilica_camera" type="prosilica_node" output="screen">
<param name="~trigger_mode" type="str" value="streaming"/>
<node name="launch_image_proc" pkg="image_proc" type="image_proc" output="screen">
<env name="ROS_NAMESPACE" value="camera"/>
It could be me, but I think this behavior just began recently, perhaps due to an update.
Any ideas?