Undocumented ROS Service Connection Header Attributes

asked 2013-11-23 17:21:35 -0500

unknown_entity1 gravatar image

updated 2013-11-23 17:28:13 -0500

Dear ROS Answers Readers,

I was running a trace on the ROS turtlesim Services, and noticed undocumented service connection header elements:

  1. request_type=std_srvs/EmptyRequest
  2. response_type=std_srvs/EmptyResponse

I expected to find:

  1. type=std_srvs/Emptyrvs/EmptyResponse

What are the Service Connection Header attributes that a client can expect to see? Also, I could not find a message_definition in most of the Service Headers, although one was responded to in the /turtlesim/kill service.

Please help clarify this stuff.



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