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initial version

Hi. I would need to know a bit more info before I can help you out. Please try running rgb8.launch, [IMPORTANT!] connect to the image topic (e.g. by running "rostopic hz /UI122xLE_C/image_raw" on a separate terminal), wait for ~5 sec, and paste the entire output of the roslaunch (e.g. on

Also, thank you for reporting the c++11 flag compile error; I eagerly upgraded to g++4.7, which supports c++11, and forgot to use the backward-compatible c++0x flag instead.

Hi. I would need to know a bit more info before I can help you out. Please try running rgb8.launch, [IMPORTANT!] connect to the image topic (e.g. by running "rostopic hz /UI122xLE_C/image_raw" on a separate terminal), wait for ~5 sec, and paste the entire output of the roslaunch (e.g. on

Also, thank you for reporting the c++11 flag compile error; I eagerly upgraded to g++4.7, which supports c++11, and forgot to use the backward-compatible c++0x flag instead.

Edit: the extended log ( shows execution log from running master_slaves_rgb8.launch. In this particular case, only slave2 had a camera connected, and it was configured (in the launch file, see "ext_trigger_mode") to be externally triggered. Assuming that nothing is wired to the camera, then it will spit out garbage images at a unpredictable rate. Please consider using rgb8.launch or bayer_rggb_image_proc.launch for single-camera usage.