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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

answered 2013-04-03 12:15:54 -0600

joq gravatar image

If each node will be accessed and configured separately at runtime, I recommend option 1: dynamic_reconfigure.


  • reasonably nice GUI with minimal implementation effort
  • efficient updates
  • clean separation between nodes, making them easy to reuse


  • not easy to access another node's current configuration
click to hide/show revision 2
show how to get current settings

If each node will be accessed and configured separately at runtime, I recommend option 1: dynamic_reconfigure.


  • reasonably nice GUI with minimal implementation effort
  • efficient updates
  • clean separation between nodes, making them easy to reuse


  • not easy to access another node's current configuration

EDIT: I did some experiments. Dynamic reconfigure does update the parameter server whenever changes are made. So, reading the current settings is simple: just get them from the parameter server using the usual ROS parameter APIs.