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That is what namespaces are for. Either set the ROS_NAMESPACE environment variable before using rosrun or make a launchfile that contains a <group ns="naoX"> tag for each robot. There you can define the parameter with the IP and, if the driver nodes work properly, the topics should now read like /naoX/cmd_vel and so on.
2 | No.2 Revision |
That is what namespaces are for. Either set the ROS_NAMESPACE environment variable before using rosrun or make a launchfile that contains a <group ns="naoX"> tag for each robot. There you can define the parameter with the IP and, if the driver nodes work properly, properly (i.e. subscribing to "cmd_vel" and not "/cmd_vel", the topics should now read like /naoX/cmd_vel and so on.
If you want to use tf, you should also set the tf_prefix param and be sure that all software you use (and especially the one you develop) uses the tf methods to resolve frame_ids with the tf_prefix. Look for tf_prefix in the ros wiki.