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You should precise the exact commands you used for each one.

In Electric, even if you did just launch openni.launch, you were able to visualize some XYZRGB, with a bad registration, but still you had something. Activating it was just allowing you to have a better registration.

I can't say anything in Fuerte, I don't use it.

However, I can confirm that in Groovy (Ubuntu 12.10 and NITE the depth_registration is false by default, thus preventing completely from visualizing XYZRGB. In order to launch it "automatically", use the following command :

roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch depth_registration:=true

I think your problem come from the NITE. Indeed, I experienced similar problems when I was using the last NITE under Groovy : I saw that I was not able to have any RGB information from the kinect (try in Rviz).

In order to solve it : 1) got to 2) Download NITE 3) "Unzip" 4) "Ungz" 5) Launch the uninstall script first ! 6) Launch the install script

It should work after that... Let me know !