I suspect you may have tried these already, but I've detailed all the problems I have faced in the past:
- Your device may be plugged into a USB 3.0 port. If you only have USB 3.0 ports, see @MichaelH's answer in this thread
- You may be using the older openni drivers. Check if you have the system packages libopenni-dev (v1.5.4) and libopenni-sensor-primesense-dev (v5.1.0) installed. If not, see @tfoote's email on how to upgrade here
Other things that might help solve the issue:
- Output of your roslaunch command. It might be able to tell us if the openni driver did not load successfully
- Does it work with depth_registered set to false?
- As @yygyt suggested, can you view any of the images? Try viewing /camera/rgb/image_color and /camera/depth/image_raw in rviz or image_view.
- Does the freenect based driver work? Try running the freenect-registered-xyzrgb.launch file