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I had the same installation configuration: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on the workstation and 10.04 on the turtlebot. I also had a lot of problems setting the system up. Most of all wireless connection losses and Problems starting the kinect.

I got the system to work when I used the (non-clearpath) ros-fuerte-turtlebot packages. I didn't test the clearpath packages. I started my kinect with

roslaunch turtlebot_bringup kinect.launch

as far as I know, this will start the deprecated Openni nodelets.

The green light on the kinect is flashing as soon you plug into usb, but this is no indication whether there is enough power... The breaker 1 on the dashboard has to be on.

Sometimes it helped me when I stopped/started the turtlebot service.

sudo service turtlebot stop

sudo service turtlebot start


sudo service turtlebot restart doesn't work

Since a few days new apt repositories for ros-fuerte-turtlebot are available. I upgraded both systems and kinect as well as gmapping works. With this configuration you can start the kinect via openni_launch

For the battery problem you can use the solution here:

You create an overlay package for this, to keep the apt-packages unchanged. If you have questions to this, just ask. It is different for electric and fuerte and it took me some time to figure out.