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I don't know why but when I installed openni_launch stack from ubuntu repos using the command below,

sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-openni-launch

the result is the same. Hovewer, when I tried to download the stacks from the kforge, it works. (This might be a bug in the ros-fuerte-openni-launch package, I am not sure.)

I recommend you to remove packages ros-fuerte-openni-camera and ros-fuerte-openni-launch using

sudo apt-get remove ros-fuerte-openni-launch ros-fuerte-openni-camera

and download them back using

hg clone
hg clone

These stacks are working for me.

I don't know why but when I installed openni_launch stack from ubuntu repos using the command below,

sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-openni-launch
ros-fuerte-openni-launch ros-fuerte-openni-camera

the result is the same. Hovewer, when I tried to download the stacks from the kforge, it works. (This might be a bug in the ros-fuerte-openni-launch package, I am not sure.)

I recommend you to remove packages ros-fuerte-openni-camera and ros-fuerte-openni-launch using

sudo apt-get remove ros-fuerte-openni-launch ros-fuerte-openni-camera

and download them back using

hg clone
hg clone

These stacks are working for me.