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1 | initial version |
The graspit_simulator stack is not currently released under Fuerte.
The plan is to complete the release and update the documentation in early November 2012.
2 | No.2 Revision |
The graspit_simulator stack is not currently released under Fuerte.
The plan is to complete the release and update the documentation in early November 2012.
Note that you can still check it out from source code and compile manually under Fuerte:
sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-object-manipulation svn co graspit_simulator
You might need to apt-get by hand the system dependencies in graspit_simulator/rosdep.yaml (Qt, Coin, etc.)
3 | No.3 Revision |
The graspit_simulator stack is not currently released under Fuerte.
The plan is to complete the release and update the documentation in early November 2012.
Note that you can still check it out from source code and compile manually under Fuerte:
sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-object-manipulation
svn co graspit_simulator
You might need to apt-get by hand the system dependencies in graspit_simulator/rosdep.yaml (Qt, Coin, etc.)