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I think I resolved most of my performance problems so I will post here how I managed to gain performance :

Virtual Machine specific :

Reducing the number of core, video memory and RAM really improved my performance and I think a good rule of thumb is to not give more than a quarter of your available ressources to the VM. I am currently using 6 cores, 32 Mo and 6 GB of RAM and it work a lot better than before. Check also for any power restriction made by the host on either global performance or your WiFi adapter.

System wide changes :

I discovered online that wifi power saver can be very detrimental to ROS2 performance over WIFI, and I recommend strongly to deactivate it on both end of the ROS2 communication. To do so :

sudo -i gedit /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf

Then if you see wifi.powersave = 3, change the 3 to a 2 (it disable powersave), save the file, close gedit and restart your machine.

Check also for any power restriction on either global performance or your WiFi adapter.

ROS2 specfic :

Switching to CycloneDDS seems to work better over WiFi, you can find it here. Limiting the info that was transiting through Wifi can help too, but it can't be done in every scenario.

Now I run all the algorithms on the bot, and only use my pc as a visualization / command sender and I can affirm it work really better.

Hope this will help others who struggle with performances !