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The 'time_from_start' field must be a sub message of type 'Duration'

You are using the wrong type of object. These two object types are not interchangable: rclpy.Duration and builtin_interfaces.msg.Duration

Also see

The 'time_from_start' field must be a sub message of type 'Duration'

You are using the wrong type of object. These two object types are not interchangable: rclpy.Duration rclpy.time.Duration and builtin_interfaces.msg.Duration

Also see

The 'time_from_start' field must be a sub message of type 'Duration'

You are using the wrong type of object. These two object types are not interchangable: rclpy.time.Duration and builtin_interfaces.msg.Duration

Also see can convert between them using the time.Duration methods to_msg() and from_msg()

from rclpy.time import Duration
my_duration_msg = Duration(seconds=10.0).to_msg()