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I am trying to install ROS 2 in my Ubuntu 22.10

please take a look at REP 2000: ROS 2 Releases and Target Platforms.

Ubuntu Kinetic (or 22.10) is not directly supported by any ROS 2 release. See Humble and Rolling, or even the just about to be released Iron.

The most recent release of Ubuntu which gets binary packages (ie: those you install using apt) is Ubuntu Jammy (or 22.04).

That's the reason you see apt update print:

The repository ' kinetic Release' does not have a Release file.

because there is no release file, as Ubuntu Kinetic is not supported.

You could try using the official Docker containers (ros, osrf/ros), or attempt a from-source build.

Alternatively, you could downgrade to Ubuntu Jammy, but we can't know whether that'd be possible for you.

I am trying to install ROS 2 in my Ubuntu 22.10

please take a look at REP 2000: ROS 2 Releases and Target Platforms.

Ubuntu Kinetic (or 22.10) is not directly supported by any ROS 2 release. See Humble and Rolling, or even the just about to be released Iron.

The most recent release of Ubuntu which gets binary packages (ie: those you install using apt) is Ubuntu Jammy (or 22.04).

That's the reason you see apt update print:

The repository ' kinetic Release' does not have a Release file.

because there is no release file, as Ubuntu Kinetic is not supported.

You could try using the official Docker containers (ros, osrf/ros), or attempt a from-source build.

Alternatively, you could downgrade to Ubuntu Jammy, but we can't know whether that'd be possible for you.

PS: note that supported platforms / OS versions are also mentioned right at the start of the Humble installation tutorial.

I am trying to install ROS 2 in my Ubuntu 22.10

please take a look at REP 2000: ROS 2 Releases and Target Platforms.

Ubuntu Kinetic (or 22.10) is not directly supported by any ROS 2 release. See Humble and Rolling, or even the just about to be released Iron.

The most recent release of Ubuntu which gets binary packages (ie: those you install using apt) is Ubuntu Jammy (or 22.04).

That's the reason you see apt update print:

The repository ' kinetic Release' does not have a Release file.

because there is no release file, as Ubuntu Kinetic is not supported.

You could try using the official Docker containers (ros, osrf/ros), or attempt a from-source Note that the latter may not succeed, as 22.10 is not supported, so you may run into build issues.

Alternatively, you could downgrade to Ubuntu Jammy, but we can't know whether that'd be possible for you.

PS: note that supported platforms / OS versions are also mentioned right at the start of the Humble installation tutorial.