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According to this page, ROS Noetic can be installed on Ubuntu 22.04. Reinstall Ubuntu (ver. 22.04 and not 22.10). Then it should be able to locate the package ros-noetic-desktop-full in the official repository of Ubuntu

According to this this page, ROS Noetic can be installed on Ubuntu 22.04. Reinstall Ubuntu (ver. 22.04 and not 22.10). Then it should be able to locate the package ros-noetic-desktop-full in the official repository of Ubuntu

According to this page, ROS Noetic can be installed on Ubuntu 22.04. 20.04. Reinstall Ubuntu (ver. 22.04 20.04 and not 22.10). Then it should be able to locate the package ros-noetic-desktop-full in the official repository of Ubuntu

UPDATE: It is right, 20.04 is the right version. I typed 22.04. Noetic is for 20.04

According to this page, ROS Noetic can be installed on Ubuntu 20.04. Reinstall Ubuntu (ver. 20.04 and not 22.10). Then it should be able to locate the package ros-noetic-desktop-full in the official repository of Ubuntu

UPDATE: UPDATE: It is right, 20.04 is the right version. I typed 22.04. Noetic is for 20.04