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Hello, can you a minimal reproducible example with more information?

How big are your images? Can you lower their resolution? Maybe you should compress their resolution a bit (based on your needs, of course). Choice of C++over Python implementation of your subscriber node also can speed things up.

Perhaps you can also check zero-copy transfer (here:

This tutorial is for ROS1 Noetic and Raspberry Pi, but you can check some more general hints:

Hello, can you a minimal reproducible example with more information?

How big are your images? Can you lower their resolution? Maybe you should compress their resolution a bit (based on your needs, of course). Choice of C++over Python implementation of your subscriber node also can speed things up.

Perhaps you can also check zero-copy transfer (here:

This tutorial is for ROS1 Noetic and Raspberry Pi, but you can check some more general hints:

Other similar questions/related links:

  • - suggestion of DDS tuning is helpful
