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if you execute this on your robot newarmdae.dae --info joints

you should get

name           joint_index dof_index parent_link   child_link    mimic   
joint_j0       0           0         arm_base_link connectorj01          
joint_j1       1           1         connectorj01  link1                 
joint_j2       2           2         connectorj2   link2                 
joint_j3       3           3         connectorj3   connectorj4           
joint_j4       4           4         connectorj4   endeffector           
arm_base_joint -1          -1        base          arm_base_link         
joint_j1m      -1          -1        link1         connectorj2   joint_j1
joint_j2m      -1          -1        link2         connectorj3   joint_j2
name           joint_index dof_index parent_link   child_link    mimic

which shows that your robot has 5 DOF, 1 static joint (arm_base_joint), and 2 mimic joints

so the file is read correctly. however you should note that ikfast does not support solving IK with mimic joints in the arm chain.