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Hi Zaid,

In terms of your question I have two solutions I can think of with the information you have provided:

1 ) For your global costmap your global frame should be the map frame. If it is the odometry frame the global costmap will move and rotate in relation to the odom frame, which will "look" as if the global map is following the movements of the robot. In terms of the local costmap, it is fine to use the odom frame, however if there is a problem with the transform between you input sources for obstacle detection and the baselink frame you will see a drag of obstacles being places on your costmaps.

2 ) If the the maps are working correctly, and your robot is still planning strange trajectories this could be an issue with the localisation, easily tested by manually moving the robot while watching the position on rviz to see if it moves correctly relative to the costmap.

Sidenote: If you have yet to see the robot plan at all, I would recommend commenting out your input sources for your costmap and driving "blind" in a secure spot to see if there is a problem with the global planner itself, which can help narrow down where this error is coming from.

Also your errors seem to indicate the cpu is struggling with the load of your navigation stack. You can try turning down the resolution from 0.05 to 0.1 and see if there is measurable difference in performance.

Hope this helps.