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With gmapping, "building a map" and "using a map" require different launch file configurations. When using a map, you need to either 1) provide a static transform map->odom (and you'll likely experience odom drift), or 2) you need to run some ros node like amcl that will publish map->odom and correct for odom drift.

Beware of one quirk of amcl: in my experience, you need to trigger it using a ros service i.e. it doesn't re-run itself once it finishes (to reduce cpu usage?)

With gmapping, "building a map" and "using a map" require different launch file configurations. When using a map, you need to either 1) provide a static transform map->odom (and you'll likely experience odom drift), or 2) you need to run some ros node like amcl that will publish map->odom and correct for odom drift.

Beware of one quirk of amcl: in my experience, you need to trigger it using a ros service i.e. it doesn't re-run itself once it finishes (to reduce cpu usage?)finishes.