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I found a solution to the issue. I dug into the source of geometry2. transform_listener_impl_563,a2c,cfa,cc0 shouldn't have commas in it. For whatever reason, the presence of pytorch libraries causes string formatters to insert commas.

So when pytorch isn't linked, sstream << "transform_listener_impl_" << std::hex << reinterpret_cast<size_t>(this); generates a string transform_listener_impl_563a2ccfacc0, but with it linked, it generates transform_listener_impl_563,a2c,cfa,cc0 which causes the rcl arg parser to freak out.

My solution was to avoid using C++ streams and modify the geometry2 source code:

  char node_name[64];
  sprintf(node_name, "transform_listener_impl_%lx", reinterpret_cast<size_t>(this));