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DeclareLaunchArgument can be used for this (which your code already imports btw). You could do:

number_of_uavs = DeclareLaunchArgument('number_of_uavs')

Check out the answer to What is different between DeclareLaunchArgument and LaunchConfiguration.

DeclareLaunchArgument can be used for this (which your code already imports btw). You could do:

number_of_uavs = DeclareLaunchArgument('number_of_uavs')
DeclareLaunchArgument('number_of_uavs', default_value=1)

Check out the answer to What is different between DeclareLaunchArgument and LaunchConfiguration.

DeclareLaunchArgument can be used for this (which your code already imports btw). You could do:

number_of_uavs = DeclareLaunchArgument('number_of_uavs', default_value=1)

Check out the answer to What is different between DeclareLaunchArgument and LaunchConfiguration.

Also make note of @sgvandijk's comment and his answer.