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initial version

It was a BIG oversight on my part. It should have been obvious immediately I saw the ros waiting for transform from base_link to map warnings.

I failed to provide a map for the system to work with. I assumed a map was only needed when I am doing GMapping or AMCL.

So, the solution was to execute a launch file which has a map_server node with an argument leading to my map.yaml file.

The transform warning above was specifically resolved by creating an AMCL node which has a rosparam name of global_frame_id and value map i.e :

<param name="global_frame_id" value="map"/>

Executing my launch file, the move_base node and my python node with the code in my original question then successfully moved my robot to the presaved odometry point . . . when it didn't complain about "Aborting because a valid control could not be found. Even after executing all recovery behaviors"

Thanks @tryan.