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I know @tfoote has already answered the question but today I encountered the same error even though I was using use_sim_time = true.
I was running Mynteye (a depth camera) ROS-wrapper on my computer. Then, I wanted to do some tests in Gazebo. So, I shutdown the wrapped node and then started Gazebo with my robot which includes the depth plugin. Then, I received the error.
The problem for me was that the Mynteye ROS-wrapper node was still running in the background. I thought the process was dead with a shutdown signal (Ctrl+c) but it wasn't. When I was looking at htop, I realized the wrapper node was there. After killing the wrapper node, my problem was solved.
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I know @tfoote has already answered the question but today I encountered the same error even though I was using use_sim_time = true.
I was running Mynteye (a depth camera) ROS-wrapper on my computer. Then, I wanted to do some tests in Gazebo. So, I shutdown the wrapped Mynteye wrapper node and then started Gazebo with my robot which includes the depth plugin. Then, I received the error.
The problem for me was that the Mynteye ROS-wrapper node was still running in the background. I thought the process was dead with a shutdown signal (Ctrl+c) but it wasn't. When I was looking at htop, I realized the wrapper node was there. After killing the wrapper node, my problem was solved. solved.