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The way i solved it for MoveIt2 at the moment is defining deveral planning groups via the srdf. One for each robot, and one for both. The latter including the joints only, so it doesnt know about eef. Then setting the eef of the robots individually, which i guess you would be doing anyway, getting the IK of the resulting eef position and passing the joints of the result of both individual groups to the compound group. The compound group should now be able to compute a collission free path for both robots simultaneosly (if it exists).

The way i solved it for MoveIt2 and also MoveIt1 at the moment is defining deveral planning groups via the srdf. One for each robot, and one for both. The latter including the joints only, so it doesnt know about eef. Then setting the eef of the robots individually, which i guess you would be doing anyway, getting the IK of the resulting eef position and passing the joints of the result of both individual groups to the compound group. The compound group should now be able to compute a collission free path for both robots simultaneosly (if it exists).

The way i solved it for MoveIt2 and also MoveIt1 at the moment is defining deveral several planning groups via the srdf. One for each robot, and one for both. The latter including the joints only, so it doesnt know about eef. the individual EEFs. Then setting the eef of the robots individually, which i guess you would be doing anyway, getting the IK of the resulting eef position and passing the joints of the result of both individual groups to the compound group. The compound group should now be able to compute a collission free path for both robots simultaneosly (if it exists).