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OS: Ubuntu 12.04 ROS: Fuerte Camera: Point Grey's Bumblebee2 BB2-08S2C Other software: - Columbia University's bumblebee2 ROS package (with the same modifications described above) & also have tried with another bumblebee2 package (very similar) that is specified in that same excellent tutorial - libdc1394-22 (ver. 2.2.0-2) - Coriander (have already checked camera output, works fine)

I am stuck in the linking process of the package and cannot get a successful built. Here is the error:

/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/image_common/camera_calibration_parsers/lib/ undefined reference to `YAML::Emitter::PreWriteStreamable(std::basic_stringstream<char, std::char_traits<char="">, std::allocator<char> >&)'

Prior to this error I fixed another bug in the dependencies of the cam_info_manager package as it depended on the yaml-cpp package and as it is said here this package is integrated in the common_rosdeps of ROS since electric. So I edited the manifest file as said there and I could rosmake the cam_info_manager without getting the non-existent package error. I don't know if this may have any influence in the error that I am trying to solve now but just in case.