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I think your problem is that <xacro:macro name="grinding_tool" params="ee_link_name"> down to its corresponding </xacro:macro> defines a macro that can be instantiated potentially multiple times elsewhere, but does not create the contents on its own. Some more info on macros can be found here:

If this is the entire issue, then simply removing the <xacro:macro name="grinding_tool" params="ee_link_name"> and </xacro:macro> should fix it. Based on the info you posted, this is all that jumps out to me that could be the problem.

I think your problem is that <xacro:macro name="grinding_tool" params="ee_link_name"> down to its corresponding </xacro:macro> defines a macro that can be instantiated potentially multiple times elsewhere, but does not create the contents on its own. Some more info on macros can be found here:

If this is the entire issue, then simply removing the <xacro:macro name="grinding_tool" params="ee_link_name"> and </xacro:macro> should fix it. Based on the info you posted, this is all that jumps out to me that could be the problem.


In addition to removing the macro from your first file, you also need to instantiate the "compliant_tool" macro from your second file. Instantiating it should look something like this:

<xacro:compliant_tool ee_link_name="ee_link" />

You would put that instantiation line in your first file somewhere after your <xacro:include> where you include the file with the "compliant_tool" macro.