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I ended up searching alternative to native tf library functions to solve my problem.
The reason was that after getting allFramesAsYAML()
(or in Python tfBuffer_ros.all_frames_as_yaml()
) to work i found out that it will return _all_ frames that have been in the tf buffer, regardless of whether the frame is in the current tf topic or not. The output was:
parent: 'camera'
broadcaster: '/marker_tracker'
rate: 30.401
most_recent_transform: 1585572193.003
oldest_transform: 1585572190.503
buffer_length: 2.500
parent: 'camera'
broadcaster: '/marker_tracker'
rate: 30.457
most_recent_transform: 1585572192.703
oldest_transform: 1585572190.503
buffer_length: 2.200
parent: 'camera'
broadcaster: '/marker_tracker'
rate: 27.709
most_recent_transform: 1585572195.538
oldest_transform: 1585572191.568
buffer_length: 3.970
I occluded marker2 after a while, and it still appeared in the output. The only difference is that "most_recent_transform" stopped updating.