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It seems #q261460 is at least a partial duplicate of your question.
In the tutorial TfUsingPython I found the method
but it seems to use tf, not tf2. would there be an equivalence in tf2? Or is it generally a bad practice to mix the use of tf and tf2?
TF has been implemented on-top of TF2 for quite some time now, so you cannot really "mix" them: it would all be using TF2 in the end.
As to the method you found: there is tf2::BufferCore::allFramesAsYAML(double current_time) const
in TF2 (and allFramesAsStringNoLock()
is available as well).
The Python API of TF2 is essentially a mirror of the C++ API, so you should be able to call that from Python as well (I have not verified this).