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A brief list of what you would need to do:
Implement a hardware interface to move your robot. You can follow this tutorial and also this. You will likely have to expose a PositionJointInterface for the joints of your robot, since you mentioned that you can send desired positions. The interface will "live" in a package of its own.
Make sure that you can move the robot using simple controllers, such as position_controllers/JointGroupPositionController
. If controllers are working properly, you should be able to move the robot simply by publishing into a topic. If you can do this, 95% of the work is done.
Load and start a Joint Trajectory Controller. It will start a FollowJointTrajectory action server. This is the "connection" used by MoveIt to send commands to your real robot.
Follow this MoveIt tutorial. It shows how to "instruct" MoveGroup to locate the controller you created. Just to be clear, in the MoveIt controllers.yaml
file you have to give the full name, including namespaces for the controller. As an example, if your controller is named trajectory_controller
, but runs in the namespace my_robot
, then the parameter name
will be my_robot/trajectory_controller
Do not launch demo.launch
from your MoveIt configuration file. Instead, make a copy of that and change it so that trajectory execution is allowed. As far as I remember, you will have to change the parameters given to the joint_state_publisher (so that it listens to the correct topic) and change the argument fake_execution to false when including the main MoveGroup launch file. I do not remember if you have to do other changes, sorry. In any case, that should be all! :)