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the closed_loop_plugin can solve the issue that URDF not support Closed loop chains.

The URDF served the ROS, it has several notable is it does not support closed loop chains. The SDF served the gazebo, support closed loop chains - this can be achieved by allowing two different joints to have the same child link but different parents

The closed_loop_plugin works after the robot model is converted from urdf to sdf, inserting a new joint into the SDF.

please refer to : or

the closed_loop_plugin can solve the issue that URDF not support Closed loop chains.

The URDF served the ROS, it has several notable is it does not support closed loop chains. The SDF served the gazebo, support closed loop chains - this can be achieved by allowing two different joints to have the same child link but different parents

The closed_loop_plugin works after the robot model is converted from urdf to sdf, inserting a new joint into the SDF.

please refer to : or

the closed_loop_plugin can solve the issue that URDF not support Closed loop chains.

The URDF served the ROS, it has several notable is it does not support closed loop chains. The SDF served the gazebo, support closed loop chains - this can be achieved by allowing two different joints to have the same child link but different parents

please refer to : or