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If you look at "ROS 2.0 Target Platforms" from REP #2000:
As of ROS2 Crystal, you'll find the table listing the "Middleware Implementation Support", where rmw_connext_cpp is supported for "All (targeted) Architectures except arm64". No pre-compiled release binaries are available for armhf (i.e. arm32v7) as its not listed among the targeted architectures. You'd also have to contact RTI for arm32 releases of DDS Connext, as I don't think the download for it is publicly distributed.
There was a community request for arm32v7 support, however has yet to gain traction with release maintainers:
However, if your using a raspberry pi 3, there are arm64v8 images you could use so you could install ROS2 from the release arm64 debains: