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if __name__ == '__main__': doesn't matter at here (in the second code), also you could run your code without it like here:

Second code:

except rospy.ROSInterruptException:

i.e. when you don't want your code to run when it imported in another python code, you should use if __name__ == '__main__':

More information.

The main difference between First code and Second code is that the Second code used the rospy.spin() method which is a built-in ROS loop that triggers the publisher and subscriber in another thread, so you wouldn't need to an inner while in your code like the First example.

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if __name__ == '__main__': doesn't matter at here (in the second code), also you could run your code without it like here:

Second code:

except rospy.ROSInterruptException:

i.e. when you don't want your code to run when it imported in another python code, you should use if __name__ == '__main__':

More information.

The main difference between First code and Second code is that the Second First code used the rospy.spin() method which is a built-in ROS loop that triggers the publisher publisher and subscriber subscriber in another thread, so you wouldn't need to an inner while while in your code like the First Second example.

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