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Hey Marti Morta, for me you are no less than an expert and am reading all that you have said and it is helping me a lot. very many thanks. Now, maybe one more help from you and I could become more well-versed on what I am hoping to achieve. I am using HuskyA200 Robot platform alongwith several sensors like Axis PTZ camera, Kinect, Lidar and GPS. All I wish to do is Localization and Mapping with Obstacle avoidance. If I could well achieve this, I would also like to add some sort of Artificial Intelligence in the form of Fuzzy Logic, Neuro-fuzzy, or Particle Swarm Optimization to make it capable of generating the complete map autonomously.

Can you please guide me on what are the available modules, nodes and tutorials I can refer to to achieve some or all the sections of this Project.

Thanks fr ur help n lookin' forward for a response.