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I was wondering if using the follow_joint_trajectory action gets you those same checks

Who is providing that action server? That is going to be the answer here.

If the server does not implement those checks, nothing will be checked.

I was wondering if using the follow_joint_trajectory action gets you those same checks

Who is providing that action server? That is going to be the answer here.

If the server does not implement those checks, nothing will be checked.

I found this check in the ur_modern_driver here. So my problem is that industrial_robot_simulator doesn't have the equivalent? And the checks are then driver-dependent?

Yes. That is why I asked whether you could clarify what you were doing.

Specific drivers implement specific checks, but MoveIt also has some checks.

The industrial_robot_simulator does not do any checking and just executes whatever it receives.

It's also not a simulator: it's more a visualiser for trajectories with a similar interface to a nr of ROS-I robot drivers.