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initial version

Hi, I'm one of the developers of the package. your steps are correct.

I think that you have no error when executing the code and that everything is working. The thing is that, due to going fast in the deployment of the code, we have used ERROR and WARN messages to show different colors of messages for our own debugging purpose. Then we forgot to put it back to normal info messages.

What I mean is that those messages are not error messages, just INFO messages. We are going to change this next week.

So you should have a list of messages like this:

* /turtlebot2/wait_time: 0.1

turtlebot2_maze (turtle2_openai_ros_example/


process[turtlebot2_maze-1]: started with pid [15644]
[ERROR] [1535564679.315268, 210.837000]: WORLD RESET
[ERROR] [1535564679.324640, 210.846000]: NOT Initialising Simulation Physics Parameters
[WARN] [1535564679.331335, 210.852000]: Start Init ControllersConnection
[WARN] [1535564679.331698, 210.852000]: END Init ControllersConnection
[WARN] [1535564680.745782, 211.494000]: START wait_until_twist_achieved... 
[WARN] [1535564680.778331, 211.550000]: Reached Velocity!
[WARN] [1535564680.778792, 211.550000]: END wait_until_twist_achieved...
[ERROR] [1535564680.797151, 211.566000]: WORLD RESET
[WARN] [1535564681.186834, 211.714000]: new_ranges=5
[WARN] [1535564681.188497, 211.714000]: mod=144
[WARN] [1535564681.189583, 211.714000]: NOT done Validation >>> item=0.749866962433< 0.5
[WARN] [1535564681.190660, 211.714000]: NOT done Validation >>> item=0.922657012939< 0.5
[WARN] [1535564681.191821, 211.714000]: NOT done Validation >>> item=2.44325733185< 0.5
[WARN] [1535564681.192948, 211.714000]: NOT done Validation >>> item=2.64469790459< 0.5
[WARN] [1535564681.194034, 211.714000]: NOT done Validation >>> item=0.914873301983< 0.5
[WARN] [1535564681.195369, 211.714000]: ############### Start Step=>0
[WARN] [1535564681.196458, 211.714000]: Next action is:2
[WARN] [1535564681.215806, 211.714000]: START wait_until_twist_achieved...
[WARN] [1535564681.274124, 211.772000]: Not there yet, keep waiting...
[WARN] [1535564681.330621, 211.828000]: Reached Velocity!
[WARN] [1535564681.331351, 211.828000]: END wait_until_twist_achieved...

... and so on.

So your robot should start moving and trying actions.

Please confirm that it is working. Otherwise, copy here the whole output of your command.