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initial version

I break up the launch files into pieces and find that the problem comes from:

<node name="default_controllers_spawner" pkg="pr2_controller_manager" type="spawner" output="screen" args="--wait-for=/calibrated base_controller base_odometry head_traj_controller laser_tilt_controller torso_controller r_gripper_controller l_gripper_controller r_arm_controller l_arm_controller"/>

which is a code segment form pr2_controller_configuration_gazebo/pr2_default_controllers.launch I can each lines in every launch files without killing gazebo, but once I run the spawner, gazebo dies immediately and generate the following messages:

[gazebo-2] process has died [pid 1956, exit code -11]. log files: /home/albert/.ros/log/92e9f66e-7368-11e1-a8db-5404a6dc3a5e/gazebo-2*.log

I think that I've already load the 'base_controller' into the parameter server since in the same launch file, there is a line like this:

<rosparam file="$(find pr2_controller_configuration_gazebo)/pr2_base_controller.yaml" command="load"/>

I break up the launch files into pieces and find that the problem comes from:

<node name="default_controllers_spawner" pkg="pr2_controller_manager" type="spawner" output="screen" args="--wait-for=/calibrated base_controller base_odometry head_traj_controller laser_tilt_controller torso_controller r_gripper_controller l_gripper_controller r_arm_controller l_arm_controller"/>

which is a code segment form pr2_controller_configuration_gazebo/pr2_default_controllers.launch I can each lines execute the rest of lines(codes) in every launch files file without killing gazebo, but once I run the spawner, gazebo dies immediately and generate generates the following messages:

[gazebo-2] process has died [pid 1956, exit code -11]. log files: /home/albert/.ros/log/92e9f66e-7368-11e1-a8db-5404a6dc3a5e/gazebo-2*.log

I think that I've already load loaded the 'base_controller' into the parameter server since in the same launch file, there is a line like this:

<rosparam file="$(find pr2_controller_configuration_gazebo)/pr2_base_controller.yaml" command="load"/>

I break up the launch files into pieces and find that the problem comes from:

 <node name="default_controllers_spawner" name="default_controllers_spawner"
        pkg="pr2_controller_manager" type="spawner" output="screen" output="screen"
        args="--wait-for=/calibrated base_controller base_odometry head_traj_controller laser_tilt_controller torso_controller r_gripper_controller l_gripper_controller r_arm_controller l_arm_controller"/>

l_arm_controller" />

which is a code segment form form


I can execute the rest of lines(codes) in every launch file without killing gazebo, but once I run the spawner, gazebo dies immediately and generates the following messages:

  [ERROR] [1332343328.403648245, 1991.105000000]: Could not load controller 'base_controller' because the type was not specified. Did you load the controller configuration on the parameter server?
  [ WARN] [1332343329.568345883, 1994.167000000]: You've passed in true for auto_start for the C++ action server at       [/head_traj_controller/joint_trajectory_action]. You should always pass in false to avoid race conditions.
  [ WARN] [1332343329.577948808, 1994.189000000]: You've passed in true for auto_start for the C++ action server at [/head_traj_controller/follow_joint_trajectory]. You should always pass in false to avoid race conditions.
  [gazebo-2] process has died [pid 1956, exit code -11].
 log files: /home/albert/.ros/log/92e9f66e-7368-11e1-a8db-5404a6dc3a5e/gazebo-2*.log


I think that I've already loaded the 'base_controller' into the parameter server since in the same launch file, there is a line like this:

<rosparam file="$(find pr2_controller_configuration_gazebo)/pr2_base_controller.yaml" command="load"/>