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I've just solved this problem. It has nothing to do with the package sicktoolbox.

First choose you robot type with a laser sensor in MobileSim e.g. p3dx-lms200.

Then the most important is about the Rosaria package, it is said in website

<lasername>_laserscan (sensor_msgs/LaserScan)

Only published if publish_aria_lasers parameter is true. Provides laser data as a laserscan type. <lasername> will be ARIA's identifier for the laser. May be repeated with different laser names if multiple lasers are configured in ARIA robot parameter file(s).

so a launch file has to be written like this:


<node name="rosaria" pkg="rosaria" type="RosAria" args="_port:=/dev/ttyUSB0">

<\param name="publish_aria_lasers" value="true"/> </node> </launch>

I've just solved this problem. It has nothing to do with the package sicktoolbox.

First choose you robot type with a laser sensor in MobileSim e.g. p3dx-lms200.

Then the most important is about the Rosaria package, it is said in website

<lasername>_laserscan (sensor_msgs/LaserScan)

Only published if publish_aria_lasers parameter is true. Provides laser data as a laserscan type. <lasername> will be ARIA's identifier for the laser. May be repeated with different laser names if multiple lasers are configured in ARIA robot parameter file(s).

so a launch file has to be written like this:


<node name="rosaria" pkg="rosaria" type="RosAria" args="_port:=/dev/ttyUSB0">

<\param < param name="publish_aria_lasers" value="true"/> </node> </launch>

I've just solved this problem. It has nothing to do with the package sicktoolbox.

First choose you robot type with a laser sensor in MobileSim e.g. p3dx-lms200.

Then the most important is about the Rosaria package, it is said in website

<lasername>_laserscan (sensor_msgs/LaserScan)

Only published if publish_aria_lasers parameter is true. Provides laser data as a laserscan type. <lasername> will be ARIA's identifier for the laser. May be repeated with different laser names if multiple lasers are configured in ARIA robot parameter file(s).

so a launch file has to be written like this:

<launch> < launch>
<node < node name="rosaria" pkg="rosaria" type="RosAria" args="_port:=/dev/ttyUSB0">
< param name="publish_aria_lasers" value="true"/>

</node> </launch>

< /node>

< /launch>

I've just solved this problem. It has nothing to do with the package sicktoolbox.

First choose you robot type with a laser sensor in MobileSim e.g. p3dx-lms200.

Then the most important is about the Rosaria package, it is said in website

<lasername>_laserscan (sensor_msgs/LaserScan)

Only published if publish_aria_lasers parameter is true. Provides laser data as a laserscan type. <lasername> will be ARIA's identifier for the laser. May be repeated with different laser names if multiple lasers are configured in ARIA robot parameter file(s).

so a launch file has to be written like this:

< launch> launch >
< node name="rosaria" pkg="rosaria" type="RosAria" args="_port:=/dev/ttyUSB0"> args="_port:=/dev/ttyUSB0" >
< param name="publish_aria_lasers" value="true"/>

value="true"/ >
< /node >

< /node>

< /launch>/launch >

I've just solved this problem. It has nothing to do with the package sicktoolbox.

First choose you robot type with a laser sensor in MobileSim e.g. p3dx-lms200.

Then the most important is about the Rosaria package, it is said in website

<lasername>_laserscan (sensor_msgs/LaserScan)
Only published if publish_aria_lasers parameter is true. Provides laser data as a laserscan type. <lasername> will be ARIA's identifier for the laser. May be repeated with different laser names if multiple lasers are configured in ARIA robot parameter file(s).

so the value of publish_aria_lasers has to be set true, thus a launch file has to can be written like this:

< launch >
< node name="rosaria" pkg="rosaria" type="RosAria" args="_port:=/dev/ttyUSB0" >
< param name="publish_aria_lasers" value="true"/ >
< /node >
< /launch >