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First of all, by default, all log files of one specific ROS run (i.e. as long as one rosmaster is up) go into a subdirectory in ~/.ros/logs/ that contains a UUID. At least in kinetic on 16.04, there is a symlink called latest to the latest created log directory. Also, the log files get named by the node name (not the node type name). The above obviously is for the default configuration.

What can be seen from your screenshot is only (thus, seconding @lucasw) that you did a lot of manually calling rostopic <something> and rosservice <something>. In the end, each of those creates a new node, publishing/subscribing/calling, and closing it again immediately.

Easiest way: call a rosclean purge, cleaning your log directory, and then reproduce the problem.

Note though, that if this is simply a crash, e.g. a segfault, it is also highly likely that the log file is just empty...