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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

answered 2012-02-16 03:18:18 -0600

joq gravatar image

The velodyne_pointcloud package is currently in active development. We hope to release a complete version soon, but until then you should only use it experimentally.

As part of this redesign, the velodyne_common package will soon be deprecated. If you want to try the new, experimental packages, there is a driver nodelet that goes with velodyne_pointcloud (start the nodelet manager first):

<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="driver_nodelet"
      args="load velodyne_driver/DriverNodelet velodyne_nodelet_manager" />

There is currently an active design review for the velodyne stack. Please sign up and contribute your ideas and suggestions.

click to hide/show revision 2
give reason for frame transformation

The velodyne_pointcloud package is currently in active development. We hope to release a complete version soon, but until then you should only use it experimentally.

As part of this redesign, the velodyne_common package will soon be deprecated. If you want to try the new, experimental packages, there is a driver nodelet that goes with velodyne_pointcloud (start the nodelet manager first):

<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="driver_nodelet"
      args="load velodyne_driver/DriverNodelet velodyne_nodelet_manager" />

There is currently an active design review for the velodyne stack. Please sign up and contribute your ideas and suggestions.


The main purpose of the transform nodelet is transforming data from a moving device into some stationary coordinate frame. The Velodyne turns at 10Hz, so the vehicle can move far enough to affect registration during a compete revolution. REP-0105 recommends the /odom frame for that purpose. Since your needs may vary, the frame_id parameter is provided.

If you just want the data converted to sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 in the /velodyne frame, the velodyne_pointcloud/Cloud2Nodelet should suffice.