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Couldn't find answer anywhere, so I'm sharing my solution. If you have a better option, please post.

This worked for me (using asus Xtion Pro):

def pixelTo3DPoint(cloud, u, v):
    width = cloud.width
    height = cloud.height
    point_step = cloud.point_step
    row_step = cloud.row_step

    array_pos = v*row_step + u*point_step
    #print data[array_pos]

    bytesX = [ord(x) for x in[array_pos:array_pos+4]]
    bytesY = [ord(x) for x in[array_pos+4: array_pos+8]]
    bytesZ = [ord(x) for x in[array_pos+8:array_pos+12]]

    byte_format=struct.pack('4B', *bytesX)
    X = struct.unpack('f', byte_format)[0]

    byte_format=struct.pack('4B', *bytesY)
    Y = struct.unpack('f', byte_format)[0]

    byte_format=struct.pack('4B', *bytesZ)
    Z = struct.unpack('f', byte_format)[0]

    return [X, Y, Z]

Couldn't find answer anywhere, so I'm sharing my solution. If you have a better option, please post.

This worked for me (using asus Xtion Pro):

def pixelTo3DPoint(cloud, u, v):
    width = cloud.width
    height = cloud.height
    point_step = cloud.point_step
    row_step = cloud.row_step

    array_pos = v*row_step + u*point_step
    #print data[array_pos]

    bytesX = [ord(x) for x in[array_pos:array_pos+4]]
    bytesY = [ord(x) for x in[array_pos+4: array_pos+8]]
    bytesZ = [ord(x) for x in[array_pos+8:array_pos+12]]

    byte_format=struct.pack('4B', *bytesX)
    X = struct.unpack('f', byte_format)[0]

    byte_format=struct.pack('4B', *bytesY)
    Y = struct.unpack('f', byte_format)[0]

    byte_format=struct.pack('4B', *bytesZ)
    Z = struct.unpack('f', byte_format)[0]

    return [X, Y, Z]