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The navigation tutorials do help you out a quite a bit and actually do tell you how to do most of what you want step-by-step. I learned to use the navigation stack by going through each one of the tutorials and reading them carefully several times. Here's how to get going (assuming that your robot is already set up to use the nav stack):

To get a minimal setup to start navigating a known map (which you said you have).

  1. Configure your system. The configuration files that you'll need are found at the following locations:
  1. Create a launch file for the nav stack (move_base.launch)
  • You're going to need load your configuration files (parameters), have a node to serve your map (map_server), have a localization node (amcl), and a node to hand the path planning (move_base). The above link shows you how to get a minimal launch file to do all of this.

Now, you should be at a point where you can start navigating a known map. To see your costmap, launch your launch file and open RViz (rosrun rviz rviz). Towards the bottom left in the "Displays" panel click the "Add" button, click on the "By Topic" tab and add the costmap that you want to visualize.

To navigate the map, you'll need to be properly localized in the map. If you just started everything up your robot have the wrong pose so you'll need to set initial pose. Do this by clicking on "2D Pose Estimate" at the top in the "Tools" panel and set the arrow in the correct location and orientation.

Now you can send a "2D Nav Goal" to your robot by clicking on the "2D Nav Goal" button in the "Tools" panel at the top and putting the arrow in the desired location and orientation.

As a "noob" (as you put it) you're going to have to read the tutorial and the links within the tutorial in order to learn how to do this. The nav stack is quite large and complex and is very configurable. Every robot requires a different configuration so that makes it very difficult (impossible?) for anyone to tell you how to set it up for you. That's why you get directed to the tutorials, so that you can do it for yourself.

Hopefully this is enough for you to get started.

The navigation tutorials do help you out a quite a bit and actually do tell you how to do most of what you want step-by-step. I learned to use the navigation stack by going through each one of the tutorials and reading them carefully several times. Here's how to get going (assuming that your robot is already set up to use the nav stack):stack) using information directly from the navigation tutorials:

To get a minimal setup to start navigating a known map (which you said you have).

  1. Configure your system. The configuration files that you'll need are found at the following locations:
  1. Create a launch file for the nav stack (move_base.launch)
  • You're going to need load your configuration files (parameters), have a node to serve your map (map_server), have a localization node (amcl), and a node to hand the path planning (move_base). The above link shows you how to get a minimal launch file to do all of this.

Now, you should be at a point where you can start navigating a known map. To see your costmap, launch your launch file and open RViz (rosrun rviz rviz). Towards the bottom left in the "Displays" panel click the "Add" button, click on the "By Topic" tab and add the costmap that you want to visualize.

To navigate the map, you'll need to be properly localized in the map. If you just started everything up your robot have the wrong pose so you'll need to set initial pose. Do this by clicking on "2D Pose Estimate" at the top in the "Tools" panel and set the arrow in the correct location and orientation.

Now you can send a "2D Nav Goal" to your robot by clicking on the "2D Nav Goal" button in the "Tools" panel at the top and putting the arrow in the desired location and orientation.

As a "noob" (as you put it) you're going to have to read the tutorial and the links within the tutorial in order to learn how to do this. The nav stack is quite large and complex and is very configurable. Every robot requires a different configuration so that makes it very difficult (impossible?) for anyone to tell you how to set it up for you. That's why you get directed to the tutorials, so that you can do it for yourself.

Hopefully this is enough for you to get started.


The navigation tutorials do help you out a quite a bit and actually do tell you how to do most of what you want step-by-step. I learned to use the navigation stack by going through each one of the tutorials and reading them carefully several times. Here's how to get going (assuming that your robot is already set up to use the nav stack) using information directly from the navigation tutorials:

To get a minimal setup to start navigating a known map (which you said you have).

  1. Configure your system. The configuration files that you'll need are found at the following locations:

  1. Create a launch file for the nav stack (move_base.launch)

  • You're going to need load your configuration files (parameters), have a node to serve your map (map_server), have a localization node (amcl), and a node to hand the path planning (move_base). The above link shows you how to get a minimal launch file to do all of this.

Now, you should be at a point where you can start navigating a known map. To see your costmap, launch your launch file and open RViz (rosrun rviz rviz). Towards the bottom left in the "Displays" panel click the "Add" button, click on the "By Topic" tab and add the costmap that you want to visualize.

To navigate the map, you'll need to be properly localized in the map. If you just started everything up your robot have the wrong pose so you'll need to set initial pose. Do this by clicking on "2D Pose Estimate" at the top in the "Tools" panel and set the arrow in the correct location and orientation.

Now you can send a "2D Nav Goal" to your robot by clicking on the "2D Nav Goal" button in the "Tools" panel at the top and putting the arrow in the desired location and orientation.

As a "noob" (as you put it) you're going to have to read the tutorial and the links within the tutorial in order to learn how to do this. The nav stack is quite large and complex and is very configurable. Every robot requires a different configuration so that makes it very difficult (impossible?) for anyone to tell you how to set it up for you. That's why you get directed to the tutorials, so that you can do it for yourself.

Hopefully this is enough for you to get started.)

The navigation tutorials do help you out a quite a bit and actually do tell you how to do most of what you want step-by-step. I learned to use the navigation stack by going through each one of the tutorials and reading them carefully several times. Here's how to get going (assuming that your robot is already set up to use the nav stack) using information directly from the navigation tutorials:

To get a minimal setup to start navigating a known map (which you said you have).

  1. Configure your system. The configuration files that you'll need are found at the following locations:

  2. Create a launch file for the nav stack (move_base.launch)

    • You're going to need load your configuration files (parameters), have a node to serve your map (map_server), have a localization node (amcl), and a node to hand the path planning (move_base). The above link shows you how to get a minimal launch file to do all of this.

Now, you should be at a point where you can start navigating a known map. To see your costmap, launch your launch file and open RViz (rosrun rviz rviz). Towards the bottom left in the "Displays" panel click the "Add" button, click on the "By Topic" tab and add the costmap that you want to visualize.

To navigate the map, you'll need to be properly localized in the map. If you just started everything up your robot have the wrong pose so you'll need to set initial pose. Do this by clicking on "2D Pose Estimate" at the top in the "Tools" panel and set the arrow in the correct location and orientation.

Now you can send a "2D Nav Goal" to your robot by clicking on the "2D Nav Goal" button in the "Tools" panel at the top and putting the arrow in the desired location and orientation.

As a "noob" (as you put it) you're going to have to read the tutorial and the links within the tutorial in order to learn how to do this. The nav stack is quite large and complex and is very configurable. Every robot requires a different configuration so that makes it very difficult (impossible?) for anyone to tell you how to set it up for you. That's why you get directed to the tutorials, so that you can do it for yourself.

Hopefully this is enough for you to get started.)


The navigation tutorials do help you out a quite a bit and actually do tell you how to do most of what you want step-by-step. I learned to use the navigation stack by going through each one of the tutorials and reading them carefully several times. Here's how to get going (assuming that your robot is already set up to use the nav stack) using information directly from the navigation tutorials:

To get a minimal setup to start navigating a known map (which you said you have).

  1. Configure your system. The configuration files that you'll need are found at the following locations:

  2. Create a launch file for the nav stack (move_base.launch)

    • You're going to need load your configuration files (parameters), have a node to serve your map (map_server), have a localization node (amcl), and a node to hand the path planning (move_base). The above link shows you how to get a minimal launch file to do all of this.

Now, you should be at a point where you can start navigating a known map. To see your costmap, launch your launch file and open RViz (rosrun rviz rviz). Towards the bottom left in the "Displays" panel click the "Add" button, click on the "By Topic" tab and add the costmap that you want to visualize.

To navigate the map, you'll need to be properly localized in the map. If you just started everything up your robot may have the wrong pose so you'll you may need to set initial pose. Do this by clicking on "2D Pose Estimate" at the top in the "Tools" panel and set the arrow in the correct location and orientation.

Now you can send a "2D Nav Goal" to your robot by clicking on the "2D Nav Goal" button in the "Tools" panel at the top and putting the arrow in the desired location and orientation.

As a "noob" (as you put it) you're going to have to read the tutorial and the links within the tutorial in order to learn how to do this. The nav stack is quite large and complex and is very configurable. Every robot requires a different configuration so that makes it very difficult (impossible?) for anyone to tell you how to set it up for you. That's why you get directed to the tutorials, so that you can do it for yourself.

Hopefully this is enough for you to get started.

The navigation tutorials do help you out a quite a bit and actually do tell you how to do most of what you want step-by-step. I learned to use the navigation stack by going through each one of the tutorials and reading them carefully several times. Here's how to get going (assuming that your robot is already set up to use the nav stack) using information directly from the navigation tutorials:

To get a minimal setup to start navigating a known map (which you said you have).

  1. Configure your system. The configuration files that you'll need are found at the following locations:

  2. Create a launch file for the nav stack (move_base.launch)

    • You're going to need load your configuration files (parameters), have a node to serve your map (map_server), have a localization node ((e.g., amcl), and a node to hand handle the path planning (move_base). The above link shows you how to get a minimal launch file to do all of this.

Now, you should be at a point where you can start navigating a known map. To see your costmap, launch your launch file and open RViz (rosrun rviz rviz). Towards the bottom left in the "Displays" panel click the "Add" button, click on the "By Topic" tab and add the costmap that you want to visualize.

To navigate the map, you'll need to be properly localized in the map. If you just started everything up your robot may have the wrong pose so you may need to set initial pose. Do this by clicking on "2D Pose Estimate" at the top in the "Tools" panel and set the arrow in the correct location and orientation.

Now you can send a "2D Nav Goal" to your robot by clicking on the "2D Nav Goal" button in the "Tools" panel at the top and putting the arrow in the desired location and orientation.

As a "noob" (as you put it) you're going to have to read the tutorial and the links within the tutorial in order to learn how to do this. The nav stack is quite large and complex and is very configurable. Every robot requires a different configuration so that makes it very difficult (impossible?) for anyone to tell you how to set it up for you. That's why you get directed to the tutorials, so that you can do it for yourself.

Hopefully this is enough for you to get started.