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initial version

The dx100 package doesn't exist any more. The functionality was merged into industrial_core, more specifically: industrial_robot_client and simple_message.

what I focus on is how to build the connection between ROS PC and my robot-controller

simple_message and industrial_robot_client can definitely be used for that, but it might be worthwhile to discuss your approach a bit, as there may be easier / more straightforward approaches, especially if your robot controller supports something like C/C++ (or any other high-level language) already.

I would suggest sending a message to the ROS-Industrial mailing list.

The dx100 package doesn't exist any more. The functionality was merged into industrial_core, more specifically: industrial_robot_client and simple_message.

This is the link

And with the shutdown of Google code, this repository was also taken down. Just for reference: a copy of it can be found at ros-industrial/swri-ros-pkg. But please do not use the dx100 package from there: it's old and replaced by other packages.

what I focus on is how to build the connection between ROS PC and my robot-controller

simple_message and industrial_robot_client can definitely be used for that, but it might be worthwhile to discuss your approach a bit, as there may be easier / more straightforward approaches, especially if your robot controller supports something like C/C++ (or any other high-level language) already.

I would suggest sending a message to the ROS-Industrial mailing list.