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In a way, yes. The documentation for those services can actually be found here.

However, following the various links leads me to, part of (what was then still called) the bosch_drivers stack.

I'm not sure how generic those services are, and if they were ever used by nodes other than photo_node. The wiki doesn't show any users of the package (no Used By), and photo itself does not seem to have been maintained/released since Groovy.

If you're interested because of photo/Capture: polled topics were never really implemented, but there is the polled_camera package.

As for the GetConfig and SetConfig services: I guess most drivers migrated to dynamic_reconfigure or implemented their own custom service API.

In a way, yes. The documentation for those services can actually be found here.

However, following the various links leads me to, part of (what was then still called) the bosch_drivers stack.

I'm not sure how generic those services are, and if they were ever used by nodes other than photo_node. The wiki doesn't show any users of the package (no Used By), and photo itself does not seem to have been maintained/released since Groovy.

If you're interested because of photo/Capture: polled topics were never really implemented, implemented (REP 106), but there is the polled_camera package.

As for the GetConfig and SetConfig services: I guess most drivers migrated to dynamic_reconfigure or implemented their own custom service API.