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In general, varying latencies between message publishing and receiving are expected and there is few one can do about it. However, usually you do not need stable latencies. In most cases you are just interested in synchronizing multiple topics. If that is what you want, have a look at, especially point 7, Policy-Based Synchronizer. There are example for synchronizing multiple topics either by exact or by approximate time.

In general, varying latencies between message publishing and receiving are expected and there is few one can do about it. it.

However, usually you do not need stable latencies. In most cases you are just interested in synchronizing multiple topics. If that is what you want, have a look at, especially point 7, Policy-Based Synchronizer. There are example for synchronizing multiple topics either by exact or by approximate time.

In general, varying latencies between message publishing and receiving are expected and there is few one can do about it.

However, usually you do not need stable latencies. In most cases you are just interested in synchronizing multiple topics. If that is what you want, have a look at, especially point 7, Policy-Based Synchronizer. There are example for synchronizing multiple topics either by exact or by approximate time.

If there actually is a hard timing requirement, you have two options. Weakening the requirement or using a real time system.

In short: No, I think you will not be able to reduce the latency between the two nodelets. This is because it originates in the internal ROS system and tweaking it is most possibly overkill.
If there actually is a hard timing requirement, you have two options. Weakening the requirement or using a real time system.

In general, varying latencies between message publishing and receiving are expected and there is few one can do about it.

However, usually you do not need stable latencies. In most cases you are just interested in synchronizing multiple topics. If that is what you want, have a look at, especially point 7, Policy-Based Synchronizer. There are example for synchronizing multiple topics either by exact or by approximate time.

If there actually is a hard timing requirement, you have two options. Weakening the requirement or using a real time system.