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Take a look at , it generates a complete sphere into an rviz Marker triangle list but you could add an angle offset to theta or phi and instead of multiplying by pi or 2*pi a smaller number will result in only a subsection of a sphere being covered by points:
def sphere_point(radius, theta, phi):
pt = Point()
sp = math.sin(phi)
cp = math.cos(phi)
pt.x = radius * cp * math.cos(theta)
pt.y = radius * cp * math.sin(theta)
pt.z = radius * sp
return pt
radius = rospy.get_param("~radius", 2.0)
num_lat = 20
num_long = 20
for i in range(num_lat):
phi1 = float(i) / float(num_lat) * math.pi - math.pi / 2.0
for j in range(num_long):
theta1 = float(j) / float(num_long) * 2.0 * math.pi
p11 = sphere_point(radius, theta1, phi1)