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RViz and Gazebo are too very different tools: the former is a visualisation tool that knows how to subscribe to dataflows in your application and then uses plugins to render those dataflows in a 3D environment. The latter is a fully dynamic simulator, used to create physics based simulations to mimic the 'real world'.

In most cases you'll use RViz with any robot / application, as it's just too handy a tool to not use (it takes seconds to visualise data flowing in your application). Whether you need/want to use Gazebo will depend on whether you want to be able to simulate the environment your robot(s) will find it (them)selve(s) in and your robots dynamic behaviour.

RViz and Gazebo are too very different tools: the former is a visualisation tool that knows how to subscribe to dataflows in your application and then uses plugins to render those dataflows in a 3D environment. The latter is a fully dynamic simulator, used to create physics based simulations to mimic the 'real world'.

In most cases you'll always use RViz with any robot / application, RViz, as it's just too handy a tool to not use (it takes seconds to visualise data flowing in your application). Whether you need/want to use Gazebo will depend on whether you want to be able to simulate the environment your robot(s) will find it (them)selve(s) in and your robots dynamic behaviour.

RViz and Gazebo are too very different tools: the former is a visualisation tool that knows how to subscribe to dataflows in your application and then uses plugins to render those dataflows in a 3D environment. The latter is a fully dynamic simulator, used to create physics based simulations to mimic the 'real world'.

In most cases you'll always use RViz, as it's just too handy a tool to not use (it takes seconds to visualise data flowing in your application). Whether you need/want to use Gazebo will depend on whether you want to be able to simulate the environment your robot(s) robots will find it (them)selve(s) themselves in and your robots their dynamic behaviour.