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Honestly, so far I can't find a y problem with the way that you are calling your service. Assuming that there is not problem with your service configuration (which based on the error message it is recognized by ROS), then I only can start guessing what could be the problem.

Did you try to call it in this way:

rosservice call /mynode/myservice "data: some text"

in any case, you should try to call it without the space in between the two words, just to check if it is the reason of the error ;-)

 rosservice call /mynode/myservice "some_text"

Honestly, so far I can't find a y any problem with the way that you are calling your service. Assuming that there is not problem with your service configuration (which based on the error message it is recognized by ROS), then I only can start guessing what could be the problem.

Did you try to call it in this way:

rosservice call /mynode/myservice "data: some text"

in any case, you should try to call it without the space in between the two words, just to check if it is the reason of the error ;-)

 rosservice call /mynode/myservice "some_text"

Honestly, so far I can't find any problem with the way that you are calling your service. Assuming that there is not a problem with your service configuration (which based on the error message it is recognized by ROS), then I only can start guessing what could be the problem.

Did you try to call it in this way:

rosservice call /mynode/myservice "data: some text"

in any case, you should try to call it without the space in between the two words, just to check if it is the reason of the error ;-)

 rosservice call /mynode/myservice "some_text"