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Hi, guys.

I figured a way to find out the point which is closer to the camera from the point cloud. I shall share the code on the following link hoping that it might help you guys, also I shall try to provide some insight into the code. Before reading my code I would recommend you have a better understanding of coordinate frame conventions for the camera ( ). I'm sharing the code in the below link.



Hi, guys.

I figured a way to find out the point which is closer to the camera from the point cloud. I shall share the code on the following link hoping that it might help you guys, also I shall try to provide some insight into the code. Before reading my code I would recommend you have a better understanding of coordinate frame conventions for the camera ( ). I'm sharing the code in the below link.

Thanks Thanks


Hi, guys.

I figured a way to find out the point which is closer to the camera from the point cloud. I shall share the code on the following link hoping that it might help you guys, also I shall try to provide some insight into the code. Before reading my code I would recommend you have a better understanding of coordinate frame conventions for the camera ( ). I'm sharing the code in the below link.
