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Maybe you should run ROS indigo with gazebo2.

They say ROS indigo works best with gazebo2, which is difficult to install because of dependency. It requires libsdformat-dev (and therefore libsdformat1) that has version >=1.4.11-1 but <2.0.0 which is almost unable to satisfy. However I found those versions of those dependencies that perfectly matches and allow you to install gazebo2.

However remember to remove the existing updated versions of those libraries before installing packages above:

sudo apt-get remove libsdformat-dev
sudo apt-get remove libsdformat1

Otherwise Ubuntu Software Center would tell you about dependency problems and won't allow you to install.

After installing the 2 libs above you can now install gazebo2 which is supposed to work best with ROS indigo.

Maybe you should run ROS indigo with gazebo2.

They say ROS indigo works best with gazebo2, which is difficult to install because of dependency. It requires libsdformat-dev (and therefore libsdformat1) that has version >=1.4.11-1 but <2.0.0 which is almost unable to satisfy. However I found those versions of those dependencies that perfectly matches and allow you to install gazebo2.

However remember to remove the existing updated versions of those libraries before installing packages above:

sudo apt-get remove libsdformat-dev
sudo apt-get remove libsdformat1

Otherwise Ubuntu Software Center would tell you about dependency problems and won't allow you to install.

After installing the 2 libs above you can now install gazebo2 which is supposed to work best with ROS indigo.

sudo apt-get install gazebo2
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-desktop-full