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The package that's failing to build is pointgrey_camera_driver and it looks to be failing because you don't have the "Flycap" SDK installed completely. Glancing at the CMake code for that package:

It looks as if it will download the SDK for you if it doesn't find the flycap library. It is possible, since they are not also looking for the headers, e.g. flycapture/FlyCapture2.h, that they find the library on your system but you're missing the headers. That would prevent it from downloading a version of the SDK while building, but would fail later because your system doesn't have the headers required. I'd recommend looking at the CMake output just above the error you posted (generally you should include more information than you think you need for situations like these) to see if it downloaded the SDK itself or not. If you can't figure it out based on my answer, I'd recommend you open an issue against the pointgrey_camera_driver package:

You should double check that similar issue doesn't already exist too before opening a new one.